Venezuelan Democracy and Social Movements

Recent Episodes
Episode 19

Our guest is Dr. Orçun Selçuk, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Luther College and the author of the new book The Authoritarian Divide: Populism, Propaganda, and Polarization...

Episode 18

Our guest is Dr. Nadia Mosquera Muriel, Assistant Professor of African, African American, and Diaspora Studies at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she specializes in Afro-Latin American social movements...

Episode 17

Our guest is Phil Gunson, journalist, consultant, and senior analyst for the Andes at the International Crisis Group...

Episode 16

Our guest is Tamara Adrián, Venezuelan human rights activist, lawyer, and member of Unidos Por la Dignidad (UPD), a social movement advocating for the rights of the LGBTI community...

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