Venezuelan Democracy and Social Movements

Recent Episodes
Episode 17

Our guest is Phil Gunson, journalist, consultant, and senior analyst for the Andes at the International Crisis Group...

Episode 16

Our guest is Tamara Adrián, Venezuelan human rights activist, lawyer, and member of Unidos Por la Dignidad (UPD), a social movement advocating for the rights of the LGBTI community...

Madres venezolanas piden justicia por sus hijos detenidos

En #Venezuela las madres de los menores que aún permanecen encarcelados por las protestas poselectorales de julio se movilizan por la libertad de sus hijos.
La OEA exigió "la inmediata liberación de los y las menores…

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Episode 15

Our guest is Omar Hammoud-Gallego, researcher and Fellow in Political Science and Public Policy at the London School of Economics...

Episode 14

Our guest is William Neuman, journalist and author of Things Are Never So Bad They Can't Get Worse: Inside the Collapse of Venezuela...

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