Welcome to Veneco Newsbrief, a compilation of weekly news, analysis, and fact-based reporting on grassroots mobilization and the state of democracy in Venezuela

Los Abajo Firmantes, Aporrea, 28 de agosto de 2024

"Hoy, a un mes de la avalancha electoral que el 28 de julio escogió a un presidente, la democracia en Venezuela parece estar transitoriamente prohibida. Pretenden prohibir la verdad, la mentira se ha establecido como un régimen de facto..."

Julie Turkewitz, The New York Times, 26 de agosto de 2024

"En una entrevista con The New York Times, un funcionario del consejo electoral expresó serias dudas sobre las declaraciones de victoria del presidente autoritario Nicolás Maduro..."

La Hora de Venezuela, La Vida de Nos, 25 de agosto de 2024

"La noche del domingo de las elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela, cientos de miles de personas vieron las actas de escrutinio que imprimieron las máquinas electorales. Y los testigos de la oposición no fueron los únicos que se quedaron con copias. Tres mujeres, dos testigos del partido oficialista y una jefa de comunidad, también de las filas chavistas, vencen el silencio y cuentan lo que vivieron..."

Dorothy Kronick, August 22, 2024

"I investigate data published by the campaign of Edmundo González Urrutia, principal opposition candidate in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election. The campaign claims that these data reflect actual votes cast on election day, while the Venezuelan government claims that the data are fake and that incumbent Nicolás Maduro won the election..."

Yoletty Bracho, NACLA Report on the Americas, August 19, 2024

""Everyone knows what happened” is the phrase that was on the lips of Venezuelans when the results of the presidential election were announced after midnight on July 28 (so it actually was July 29). Elvis Amoroso, president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), reported that President Nicolás Maduro had won with 51.2 percent of the vote, and Edmundo González Urrutia, the candidate for the mainstream opposition, trailed behind with 44.2 percent..."

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